Do you want to know one of the most repeated phrases I heard my Freshman year of college? “It’s okay to change your major!”
What I wish they would have said? “Changing your major in college is easy. Graduating after changing it—that’s going to be a bit harder!”
Many of the students I’ve talked to over the past four years changed their majors multiple times. They’re not alone!
According to Prep Scholar, about 1/3rd of all college students will change their major, and 1 in 10 students will change their major multiple times. So, how normal is changing your college major? Very normal!
With a lot of choices for a college major at any given institution, there’s definitely some decision paralysis when faced with picking or changing a college major. If you need help deciding on a college major, check out this article from Student Contributor Emma Lynch for some excellent advice!
Some majors have overlapping classes you might be able to carry over to a new major. From personal experience, you also can get certain credits to count outside of Gen Eds if you inquire!
If you are on the fence about changing your major, look into acquiring an internship or doing a few informational interviews with others in your major. This could be helpful if you’re seeking more information outside of what you are learning about your career in your courses.
If you’re a Junior, and you’re considering switching majors after you have already taken a good chunk of major-specific classes, I heard something from one of my friends that I thought I would share.
Depending on how many credits you have left to finish, it might be worth finishing out your original major and tacking on a second major. This is helpful advice if you are passionate about your new major, but don’t want to give up the time and effort invested in your first one. It might take you a lot more time, but two degrees instead of a degree and a half could be valuable when you leave college!
Thinking About Changing Your Major in College?
Changing your major in college is no easy decision. Consider these three factors before making the switch.

If you’re considering changing your major, check out these three tips!