To recap, we're using example essay submissions from a previous essay contest to demonstrate common essay blunders that can disqualify students right from the get-go.
Check out Part I of our "what NOT to do" series on winning an essay contests, in case you missed it.
This particular essay contest drew in around 4,000 essays-- about average for a contest of this size. With odds like these, you can’t afford to make even one small mistake in your entry. Remember, the judges will use any excuse they can to disqualify your essay-- so don't give them the opportunity.
This essay writer didn't follow the rules of the essay contest - or the rules of the English language.
Check out this real life entry to see what went wrong:
At this point in our economy I would not invest in company's to keep money safe. I wouldn't put it in banks either. What I would do is try to find a way to store money in my own house. Examples include, safes, small lockboxes, or a "secret spot". I think that our economy isn't done crashing; the reason being that we are trillions of dollars in debt and the only way to get rid of it is to go bankrupt. If the US goes bankrupt then any money left in banks or the businesses will be worth nothing. In fact I would exchange a small amount of my money into another currency like the euro, that way if the US were to go bankrupt I would still have some kind of money. Now, if the economy weren't to completely crash and the US go bankrupt then you would still have your money so there would be no harm done. Also, to manage it I would make a monthly allowance for myself that way I would only use a certain amount of money and the rest I would save up or use to pay for bills and food, if I were living on my own. For saving money I would always save at least 15% of my paycheck that way if I were to get in a wreck or some other unexpected expense came up I would have money to use that could potentially cover it. Bills will be tricky to pay for and still have money left over. Figure out how much per month you spend on bills and set about $50 dollars more than that aside for bills. Then I would figure out how much I use for food and set aside that much plus an additional $20 incase I use more than expected. Whatever is left, which won’t me much admittedly, will be money you can use for whatever purposes you want. Also to cut back on cost of bills I recommend getting a roommate or two, that way you won’t use as much money on bills.
Winning Scholarship Essay Tips: Part II

Follow these tips to create your own winning scholarship essay!