Student Life

Your Job Search from Start to Finish: Resumes, Interviews & Getting the Job

Emma Lynch, Student Contributor

November 27, 2018

How do you make a good impression on a potential future employer, and how would you convince them that you would be a good addition to their team?
The job market can be daunting; especially going into it the first time or without a lot of experience. How do you make a good impression on a potential future employer, and how would you convince them that you would be a good addition to their team? The answer lies in how you present yourself, not only during your interview but through your resume and every interaction with your potential employer.
Your Resume
When starting out (if you haven’t had a job previously) include everything on your resume that highlights your ability to be responsible and consistent. Include dog walking, volunteering, even babysitting siblings. Include the responsibilities you had with each task, using verbs and other action packed words. Include academic achievements as well, especially ones that show long-term dedication and how successful you are at staying dedicated to one activity for a long period of time. Make sure your resume is neat and well laid out. Organized and neat resumes are easier for an employer to look over, and if you have all your achievements in bold and easy to read, it will be that much easier for them to know that you’re the right candidate for the job!
Dressing up nicely and making sure you’re neat is an important part of job presentations, as we’re all told, because first impressions are the most important impressions. Make sure to dress like a professional during your job interview, even if the job is for something small like a position in fast food or a restaurant. If you pay attention to the details in your appearance, your future employer will know that you’ll be able to pay attention to the details in your job! Interviews can also cause a lot of anxiety and doubt. It can be very daunting to go into a room with a complete stranger and put on your best face, but it’s an important part of the job process. Practicing with a friend or another adult can be very helpful—even if it’s just reading over potential questions and planning out your answers. A lot of schools have a program where you can schedule a mock interview, even in high school, one can often schedule an appointment with an administrator, and a lot of colleges have program for helping job applicants, so look for a career department!
Getting the Job!
Present your best face to the employer, demonstrate how responsible you are, and be confident in your abilities! Also, don’t put all your eggs in one basket—apply to a handful of jobs, and shop around for where your abilities will be put to the best use, and you can gain the most experience. Any job is a chance to increase your skill set and build your resume, so don’t be discouraged if the job you were originally hoping to get fall through. Any job will also bring experience, and make you a stronger candidate for the next job that comes down the line.

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