Chances are, you’re not going to be best friends with your roommate. Throw together two randomly assigned young adults who’ve likely never shared a room in their lives and you’ve got a recipe for disaster – or at least a disgusting sink full of dishes.
Even if you guys love each other, there’s guaranteed to be some conflicts at some point, and the key to your first year is learning how to effectively handle them. In the mean time, here are some quick tips to speed up the process.
A pair of earplugs lets you get the sleep you need, and they can be used during the day when you need a quiet space to study.
People aren’t always good at seeing what mistakes they’re making, but they’re great at seeing yours, and all you’d be doing is putting yourself in the “bad guy” position. So as difficult as it might be, talk to your roommate – and then move on with your day.
Living with another human being is never easy, and it sounds cliché, but communication is always key. Sometimes we end up with people who just can’t communicate – so put in your earplugs, and think of how awesome summer break is going to be.
Have you had a crazy roommate? How have you dealt with them?
The Best Ways to Deal with a Crazy Roommate

Tips for getting along with college roommates.