Most college students that are new or aren’t in a Greek organization walk past the large houses on campus and assume that some weird voodoo is happening behind closed doors. Sure, there are rituals and pledges that can’t be uttered to a soul outside of the fraternity or sorority, but the secrets of Greek life pretty much stop there.
If you’re considering going Greek, it’s best to know as much as possible up front. Fortunately, Fastweb is spilling the not-so-secret secrets of Greek life.
1. Hazing is a serious violation of fraternity and sorority standards and rules.
Each year, fraternities around the country make headlines for hazing students, causing serious injury and in extreme cases, death. But hazing isn’t a ritual across the board. In fact, it’s pretty rare. The national organizations of fraternities and sororities actually forbid hazing. If it’s happening on a chapter on your campus, it’s most likely a tradition for that chapter.
But that, by no means, makes it right. Here’s another secret revealed about hazing: it’s ok to report hazing to your school’s administration. Schools, as well as the fraternity or sorority at the national level, will not only expel individuals who are hazing but the entire chapter as well.
2. Living in the house costs roughly the same as room and board.
Many students outside of the Greek community assume that individuals who join are “buying their friends.” It’s true that there are dues that Greek members have to pay, but typically, the cost to live and eat at the fraternity or sorority house is roughly the same as room and board at the college. Other costs associated with being Greek are buying letter shirts, chipping in for philanthropy or clothing for formal or informal functions – all of which are optional.
3. You’ll have a life outside of the Greek house.
Yes, being in a fraternity or sorority takes up a lot of time, but if you don’t want to spend all of your time with your fellow brothers and sisters, you don’t have to. Greek life is all about what you put into it. You can be involved in as much or as little as you want.
Plenty of Greek students are involved in a variety of activities, from athletics to Model UN. This is what makes being a part of a Greek organization so great. You can meet and become friends with a variety of students that you otherwise would have never met on campus.
4. You can get out if you’re not happy.
Yes, you may hear that pledging your fraternity or sorority means becoming a member for life, but Greek organizations aren’t prisons. If you join a chapter but after a time find it’s not for you, you can get out. Pledges are able to de-pledge from a chapter, and full-fledged members are able to deactivate.
Joining a fraternity or sorority isn’t like what you see on TV or in movies; nor are most Greek houses like those that make the headlines each year for hazing. With a little truth, you may find that a Greek organization is the perfect place for you to make friends, get involved and network your way into a career after college.
4 Secrets of Greek Life Revealed

Exploring the not-so-secret secrets of Greek life on campus.