Those three blissful months of summer are what every high school looks forward to all year: a hard-earned break from the frenzy of school and extracurriculars and final exams.
Standardized test prep is most likely the last thing on your mind when thinking about all your summer plan.
For rising juniors who will take the test for the first time, or for rising seniors looking to retest, summer is one of the best times to study and hopefully boost your SAT or ACT score up a few points!
After nine months of school, studying for two, three, four hours a day probably does not sound very appealing. Luckily, there are so many other ways to make test prep somewhat more enjoyable!
A good idea to maximize your studying efforts is to focus on your weaknesses. If you know you struggle with the SAT/ACT math section, but excel in English, it would be best to focus more on math prep rather than English.
Download vocabulary apps, SAT/ACT prep apps, math apps, etc., to practice with whenever you have a few extra minutes. It may not seem like much at the time, but those few minutes over the whole summer will really add up!
Summer SAT/ACT Prep Suggestions

Summer is one of the best times to study and hopefully boost your SAT or ACT score up a few points!