Student Life

Reflecting on High School

Osasere Ewansiha

May 13, 2019

Reflecting on High School
A student reflects on her years in high school.
High school. Well, for lack of a better word, one thing that I can say for sure is that it was interesting. There are many things that I will miss and things that I cannot wait to be rid of. Regardless of what my reasons are, take this whole essay as a prompting to live your high school years to the fullest. For one, I will not miss the barrage of assignments that never seemed to let up. But, then again, I really should have learned how to manage my time better. I also will not miss the feeling of being on someone else’s clock. The same old routine day in and day out was less than ideal for a free soul such as myself. I hated (and still do) waking up early because I am a night owl and prone to sleeping late. I won’t miss the cafeteria or shoving past people who were determined to stand in the middle of crowded hallways. Something, and probably the only thing, that I will miss is the people. Yes, of course, with high school being high school and teenagers being teenagers, I cut ties with a lot of people and there are some people who I am glad to leave in the past. But, there are some, like the lunch ladies who always greeted me with a smile and the classmates who always found time to wave at me in between passing periods that I will miss. They made even the worst day just that much brighter. I wish them all nothing but the best and I hope that one of them is out there is wishing the same for me too.
I’ve waited to be a senior and to graduate for a long time. I thought I was going to go crazy and do a bunch of senior year things, whatever they may be. Now that the time is finally here, and I just feel resigned. I have accepted the fact that I am leaving high school and although there are some things that I may miss, it’s time for me to move on. No one can be a high school student forever and everyone must eventually pick their own road to travel on. Part of the journey is the end. I’m proud of myself and I’m happy. When I look back and think about the girl who entered high school, all afraid and insecure, I’m proud of the young (almost) adult that emerged. I have changed for the better. It may seem weird but so many things are clearer to me now. I’m not just student anymore but a lifelong learner who is pursuing her dreams. I’ve burned off some of that restless energy that I used to carry around with me in the time that I spent roaming the halls. Regrets have no place in the future, so I refuse to have any. Instead, I have lessons that I have learned that I will make sure to apply to all my future endeavors. My life is just beginning, and I am excited for what comes next. My advice to the next generation is to remember that high school does not last forever, think beyond the next four years.
All in all, I came, I saw, I fumbled just a little bit, and I conquered.

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