After all this time, who ever thought that this day would come? The day when you make your final college decisions. Finally, the wait is almost over and all of the hard work that you’ve done is about to pay off. Before the celebration starts, some things must be done. Once again, it always comes down to a choice.
Choosing your final college can be tough. By now, admission decisions have been released for colleges all over the country and if they are not out yet, then they are going to be soon. Now that you’ve gained admission into a college(s), it’s time to make the decision about which one would be the best for you. If you’re having trouble doing so, check out these suggestions that will help you make a choice.
Rank the colleges that you are seriously considering by several different categories from best to worst. Rank important factors like cost, campus, location and the like. If one of the colleges seems take the top spot in most of the lists, then that may be your destined college. Have someone that you trust cross check your list to make sure that your personal bias isn’t getting in the way of this important decision. Also, make sure that the information that you are using comes from either your experiences or from a source that you trust.
It never hurts to do some extra research on top of the things that you may already know about a prospective college. Reach out to your designated freshman counselor and go over any questions or worries that you may have. See if you can sit in on a class or if there are any programs for incoming freshman that allow them to stay the night during orientation. Even though the college may give you great vibes, what you specifically need for your major may not match what you had in mind. Try to reach out to department heads or current students who are majoring in a similar field of study as you.
Don’t forget to consider cost, location, and other important factors. You may love the college, but your budget may not. Think ahead, the choice that you are making now will affect you later on. At the bare minimum, make sure that you like the college that you are attending. It would suck if you are stuck at a college or university that you don’t even like for the next couple of semesters. Talk to your parents, friends, and college advisors or counselor. A lot of time, they can help you see what you cannot. Talk through the different choices that you have to make, and something may click as you’re ranting.
Make sure to take a breath somewhere in between all of this hullabaloo. It can be overwhelming, I know. Just remember that the grass is greener on the other side… of your final decision. Regardless of what that decision may be, try to make it in a timely manner. No one wants to spend their summer scrambling to make last minute decisions before classes start in August. After a decision is made, then you can relax. You went through four years of high school and emerged victorious. Now you can celebrate!
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