<b>Looking for 2021 - 22 FAFSA Application State Deadlines? We've got you covered: find current FAFSA state deadlines.
Every year, the FAFSA is made available on October 1. At this point, students and their families can begin applying for financial aid from both the federal and state government. Colleges also use the form to determine need for institutional-based aid and grant money.
The FAFSA has an 18-month cycle, meaning that in order to qualify for federal aid, you don’t have to technically submit your FAFSA until June 30, 2021. However – and this is a big however – in order to qualify for state financial aid, you may need to complete the FAFSA much sooner. Many states offer financial aid on a first-come, first-serve basis. Essentially, the sooner you complete the form, the greater your chances of receiving financial aid.
With that, it’s important that you know your state’s deadline and try to complete your FAFSA by that deadline instead of the federal government date. You will still qualify for federal financial aid by filling out the FAFSA sooner rather than later. Find out what you need to complete the FAFSA and get started now.
In light of the Coronavirus outbreak, some states have opted to extend their financial aid deadlines. Those states that are extending their deadlines have been marked: UPDATED. For questions regarding deadline extensions, contact your state's Office of Student Financial Aid.
State Deadlines: A - D
Alabama – Check with your financial aid administrator.
Alaska -- Alaska Education Grant: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Alaska Performance Scholarship: For priority consideration, submit your application by June 30, 2020. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
Arizona – Check with your financial aid administrator.
Arkansas -- For priority consideration, submit your application by midnight CT, Feb. 15, 2020. Academic Challenge: June 1, 2020, by midnight CT. Workforce Grant: Check with your financial aid office. Higher Education Opportunity Grant: June 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
California -- For many state financial aid programs: March 2, 2020 (date postmarked). Cal Grant also requires submission of a school-certified GPA by March 2, 2020. Applicants are encouraged to obtain proof of mailing their GPA and to retain a copy of their GPA form. For additional community college Cal Grants: Sept. 2, 2020 (date postmarked). If you’re a noncitizen without a Social Security card or had one issued through the federal Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, you should fill out the California Dream Act Application found at caldreamact.org. You don’t need to fill out a FAFSA form to be eligible for California student financial aid. Contact the California Student Aid Commission (csac.ca.gov) or your financial aid administrator for more information. Additional forms might be required. Applicants are encouraged to keep a record of their submission by printing out their online FAFSA confirmation page or obtaining proof of mailing the FAFSA form.
Colorado – Check with your financial aid administrator.
Connecticut -- For priority consideration, submit your application by midnight CT, Feb. 15, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Contact your financial aid administrator or your state agency.
Delaware -- June 15, 2020, by midnight CT. (UPDATED)
District of Columbia -- For priority consideration, submit your FAFSA form by May 1, 2020. For the DC Tuition Assistance Grant (DCTAG), complete the DC OneApp and submit supporting documents by June 30, 2020, to be given priority consideration. (UPDATED)
State Deadlines: F – L
Florida -- May 15, 2020 (date processed).
Georgia -- Check with your financial aid administrator.
Hawaii -- Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
Idaho -- Opportunity Grant: For priority consideration, submit your application by midnight CT, March 1, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Contact your financial aid administrator or your state agency.
Illinois -- As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Visit isac.org for Monetary Award Program renewal deadline information. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
Indiana -- Adult Student Grant: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. New applicants must submit additional forms at ScholarTrack.IN.gov. Workforce Ready Grant: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Frank O'Bannon Grant: April 15, 2020, by midnight CT. 21st Century Scholarship: April 15, 2020, by midnight CT.
Iowa -- July 1, 2020, by midnight CT. Earlier priority deadlines might exist for certain programs. Additional forms might be required.
Kansas -- For priority consideration, submit your application by midnight CT, June 1, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Contact your financial aid administrator or your state agency. (UPDATED
Kentucky -- As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
Louisiana -- July 1, 2021 (July 1, 2020 recommended).
State Deadlines: M – O
Maine – May 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
Maryland – March 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
Massachusetts – For priority consideration, submit your application by midnight CT, May 1, 2020.
Michigan – March 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
Minnesota – 30 days after term starts, by midnight CT.
Mississippi – June 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
Missouri – For priority consideration, submit your application by Feb. 3, 2020. Applications are accepted through April 1, 2020, at midnight CT.
Montana – For priority consideration, submit your application by Dec. 1, 2019. Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
Nebraska – Check with your financial aid administrator.
Nevada – Silver State Opportunity Grant: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Nevada Promise Scholarship: April 1, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Awards are made until funds are depleted. All other aid: Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
New Hampshire – Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
New Jersey – 2019–20 Tuition Aid Grant recipients: June 1, 2020, by midnight CT. All other applicants: Fall and spring terms: Sept. 15, 2020, by midnight CT. All other applicants: Spring term only: Feb. 15, 2021, by midnight CT. (UPDATED)
New Mexico – Check with your financial aid administrator.
New York – June 30, 2021, by midnight CT. Additional forms might be required.
North Carolina – As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
North Dakota – As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
Ohio – Oct. 1, 2020, by midnight CT.
Oklahoma – As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted.
Oregon -- Oregon Opportunity Grant: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. OSAC Private Scholarships: March 1, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Oregon Promise Grant: Contact your state agency. Additional forms might be required.
State Deadline: P – T
Pennsylvania – All first-time applicants enrolled in a community college, business, trade, or technical school, hospital school of nursing, designated Pennsylvania Open-Admission institution, or nontransferable two-year program: Aug. 1, 2020, by midnight CT. All other applicants: May 15, 2020, by midnight CT. Additional forms might be required. (UPDATED)
Rhode Island – Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
South Carolina – SC Commission on Higher Education Need-based Grants: As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Tuition Grants: June 30, 2020, by midnight CT.
South Dakota – Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
Tennessee – State Grant: Prior-year recipients receive award if eligible and apply by Feb. 1, 2020. All other awards made to neediest applicants. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Tennessee Promise: Feb. 1, 2020 (date received). State Lottery: Fall term: Sept. 1, 2020 (date received). State Lottery: Spring and summer terms: Feb. 1, 2021 (date received).
Texas – For priority consideration, submit your application by Jan. 15, 2020. Additional forms might be required. Private and two-year institutions might have different deadlines. Check with your financial aid administrator.
State Deadlines: U – W
Utah – Check with your financial aid administrator. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Additional forms might be required.
Vermont – As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Additional forms might be required.
Virginia – Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
Washington – As soon as possible after Oct. 1, 2019. Awards are made until funds are depleted. Students ineligible for federal aid but who meet state financial aid program and residency requirements should complete the Washington Application for State Financial Aid at readysetgrad.org/wasfa instead of the FAFSA form. Contact the Washington Student Achievement Council (readysetgrad.org/wasfa) or your financial aid administrator for more information.
West Virginia – PROMISE Scholarship: March 1, 2020. New applicants must submit additional forms at cfwv.com. Contact your financial aid administrator or your state agency. WV Higher Education Grant Program: April 15, 2020.
Wisconsin – Check with your financial aid administrator.
Wyoming – Check with your financial aid administrator. Additional forms might be required.
2020 – 2021 Financial Aid and FAFSA State Deadlines

Meet your state's financial aid deadline in order to qualify for aid.