Career Planning

How to End an Internship on a Good Note

Cap your internship off by doing a few quick tasks.

Kathryn Knight Randolph

October 04, 2022

How to End an Internship on a Good Note
How to leave the company after your internship with great prospects for the future.
Internships that take place during the summer are a thing of the past. Now, students are working internships during the school year, over fall and spring breaks, and even from their dorm rooms.

How to End an Internship on a Good Note

Whenever your internship occurs, and for however long, you still need to make a strong exit. From sending a farewell email to staying in touch, we're helping you cover your bases so you can end your internship on a good note.

How to Tell Your Team You Are Leaving Email

Chances are, the team you worked with doesn’t have your last day marked on the calendar. That's why sending a goodbye email the Monday of your last week is crucial. In this email, you can inform the team that it’s your last week and that you’d be happy to take on any new projects to be done by Friday, your last day. Nothing is more embarrassing for you or a colleague than to be handed a project on the day you’re leaving. Writing a Goodbye Email Example:
Hi Team, As you may or may not know, today marks the start of my last week in the office. I’ve enjoyed working with you all this summer and have learned a great deal. In just a week, I will be heading back to school and beginning my senior thesis. After college, I plan to find work in this same field so some of you can expect to hear from me again! If you have any projects that I can complete before my last day, Friday, please let me know. I’d be happy to be of use as much as possible this week. Let’s keep in touch. My email is and my cell is 123.456.7890. Again, thanks for the opportunity. Sincerely, Awesome Intern

How to Thank Your Boss

Whether you had an amazing boss or a nightmarish experience, it’s important to thank them for giving you the opportunity to intern. Do you know how hard it is to land an internship these days?! No matter how badly you may have been treated, your supervisor did you a huge favor. Keep it old school and set up a face-to-face meeting with your boss. Don’t do this over email. Here’s what your meeting should cover: • Thank him or her for the opportunity to work, for any mentoring they provided. • Divulge a little of what you learned or ask questions about things that may still be unclear. • Mention staying in touch.

Follow the Company on Social Media

This is absolutely vital if you want to work at this company after graduation. Regardless of the great job you did this summer, you will have to interview again. Being able to show that you’ve watched the company’s every move will definitely be noted. However, while you may never work at the company again, you’ll most likely need a reference for future internship and job opportunities. Not to mention, your previous experience will come up in job interviews. That’s why it’s to your benefit to keep track of the company after you leave. Thanks to social media, this is really simple. Check in on their Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or TikTok account for any company updates. Look for their name on the news and in newspapers and magazines. If you’re not ruling out working for the company after graduation, occasionally email your former supervisor about company changes and updates. Staying in Touch Email Example: Hi Mr. Boss, Just saw the latest product you all unveiled on the Facebook page and was so impressed! I just wanted to write a quick note to let you know that I’m continuing to follow the company and all that you’re doing. Even after my internship with you all, I’m still learning so much. I’m heading into the second semester of my senior year and am putting the finishing touches on my resume. If there is any way you could help me at all through this process, I would be so grateful. Hope you’re doing well and am looking forward to hearing from you. Best, Awesome Intern

Respect the Company

Finally, don’t trash talk the company after your internship experience. Believe it or not, it could get back to your former supervisor. You never know who’s watching your social media accounts or what your frenemy might repeat about you in an interview with that company. And while it may be difficult to sum up your experience without being negative, only tell others what was positive about your internship, even if it’s something as simple as the way the group was structured. Ultimately, you are extremely lucky to have had an internship at all and owe your supervisor and colleagues a great deal for your experience. Just keep that in mind as you leave the company on a good note.

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Kathryn Knight Randolph

Associate Content Editor

Kathryn Knight Randolph is the Associate Content Editor at Fastweb. She has 17 years of higher education experience, working first as an Admissions Officer at DePauw University before joining Fastweb. In b...

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