Student Life

Staying Motivated in Second Semester

Aleena Islam, Student Contributor

January 07, 2019

Second semester is the final stretch to the end of the school year, and it is incredibly important to end the year both successfully and strongly.
Finals are over and a new semester is here! Second semester is the final stretch to the end of the school year, and it is incredibly important to end the year both successfully and strongly.

Be Organized

Organization is key to being successful in your academics. Keeping your binders and folders neat and organized will aid you in staying motivated. If you begin the semester unorganized, it will be extremely difficult to get yourself back on track later. A messy stack of papers can possibly lead to a lack of motivation to study and do your work, so be sure to keep your books and supplies neat and tidy!

Stay on Top of School

Beginning the semester on track and prepared does wonders for your academic life. Try your best to not fall behind in school! Missing classes and deadlines, especially in the start of a new semester, makes it challenging to catch back up. Make sure to keep up with all your notes and turn in all assignments. This will be very beneficial to you in the long run.


Nonstop studying and stress is neither healthy nor productive. It’s important to schedule some downtime to avoid too much stress. Plan to meet with friends, make time for a sport or club, or just stay in and relax to take your mind off school and let yourself recuperate. Remember not to completely ignore all your academic responsibilities but find a balance between work and fun.

Set Attainable Goals

Whether you are in high school or college, there is some reason as to why you attend school and why school is important to you. Perhaps it is to get into college or get a good, enjoyable job, or some other reason. Once you identify your goal, you’ll likely immediately feel motivated to achieve that goal.
Whether you utilize these tips or other ways to keep yourself motivated, make it a priority to keep yourself focused so that you end the school year as strongly as you possibly can!

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