The bad news is you have a really challenging upcoming exam, but the good news is your teacher is allowing you to create and use a test-day study aid.
Usually hand-written on both sides of a size of a large index card or one side of loose-leaf, test-day study aids are essentially exam “cheat sheets” that are not considered cheating when permitted by your teacher.
Given you’ll have your notes in front of you; you should ace your exam, right?
Hold on, there’s one problem: given all the material the exam will cover, you’re not sure what you should include. How do you make a test-day study aid that will best help you on an exam?
The following three tips will help you create a test-day study aid or “cheat sheet” that will help you achieve test-day success:
The cheat sheet “remembers” facts, formulas, and procedures for you. This helps buy your brain space for understanding concepts and solving problems. Keep in mind you really need to understand the test material, and there’s no cheat sheet in the world that can do that for you.
Start your study aid by preparing: review all of the material your teacher said would be on your test, also looking at your class syllabus and any recent assignments you’ve completed.
Then, make two lists separating the things you need to remember from the things you need to understand. Good things to include on your test prep include steps of processes, specific formulas, tables, and reminders that help you understand key concepts.
Creating the Perfect (Teacher-Permitted) Exam "Cheat Sheet"
With so much information on the exam, how do you decide what to include on your "cheat sheet"?

Great news: your teacher is permitting a “cheat sheet” for the exam.