In the new year I have taken it upon myself to have more discipline. This plan includes reading my Bible daily.
I personally have struggled with reading my Bible. I used to make the excuse, “I don't have time”. Realistically, I just wasn't
distributing my time properly.
Prioritizing Personal Discipline
For the first time, with the
new year, I thought about what changes I needed to make in order to live a better life. Immediately what came to mind was to create a stronger and more intimate relationship with God.
I knew in order to make this happen I needed to give up some things that were taking up my free time, as well as becoming more involved. I had once tried to make this a goal, but I kept
prioritizing other things that were not as important. How was I going to focus on school at the same time?
First of all, school should be one of the main priorities in life as teenagers. It is like a job. I knew it would be challenging trying to keep up with all of my priorities. In the section, “Priorities from the Bible,” you will find what order you should keep your priorities in from a Biblical standpoint.
Everyone that truly wants to focus on these two things will inevitably have to narrow down on the time they spend on things that aren't necessities. This is the solution if you are finding yourself prioritizing worldly things too often. For example, in my free time, instead of reading other books, going online, or watching TV, I read my Bible or do schoolwork.
I had never consistently gone to church a day in my life before this year. I was more intimidated than unmotivated. Nevertheless, with the help of others around me, I went to church for the first time. I have gone to every service since then.
What surprised me more than anything was the overwhelming sense of sereneness. There was no judgement. This gave me
the opportunity to focus without any distractions.
Now, the only question that consumed my mind was: would I be able to keep up this balance with everything going on at school and continue growing my faith at the same time? I've come to realize that the best advice I can get is from inside my Bible just a few feet away.
Baby Steps
I've had a lot of time to sit and think about what steps I should take. I decided the best way to stay disciplined was to create a schedule.
I picked a time during the day where I knew I would be free. I have kept this up every single day since. I have seen drastic differences in my mood already.
Health Outreach explains that in a study by Baylor University, they have found that people that suffer from trauma-related disorders have had a significant benefit from reading the Bible. This has also helped people with mental health problems have lower levels of depression and anxiety.
Personally, I know that further into the year I start to have more and more to do, whether it is homework, studying the Bible, or watching film for my sports. This is why I have dedicated time in the morning to reading before school.
I have also found an app (
YouVersion Bible App) that I can listen to and study without my Bible. By the end of the day I end up doing whatever else I have prioritized. Usually, if I don't have homework, I spend time with my family.
I have found that the best advice I can find is from the Bible. The Bible points out that God should be above all else.
Then, comes your spouse, children, parents, extended family, brothers and sisters in Christ, and then the rest of the world. I once heard that if everything becomes about Him, then everything is worth doing well.
Always With You (Deuteronomy 2:7)
Essentially, He is always with you. He watches over you and guides you on all of your journeys. We lack nothing because we have Him.
Everything Has Meaning (2 Chronicles 15:7)
This verse says: “But as for you, be strong; don't give up, for your work has a reward.” Nothing we do goes to waste. Everything has a meaning. Anything is possible through him, and He holds us together.
Confidence in Troubled Times (Psalms 3:1-8)
These verses are incredibly important to remember. Summarized, no matter what happens, looking to the Lord is the right answer. He will not send you lessons or difficulties that are greater than yourself.
The Cure for Anxiety (Luke 12:22-34)
In short, these verses mean that you should not worry about your life. It is worth so much more than small, insignificant things. Worrying about worldly things wastes time you could be spending on something that lasts for eternity.
There are hundreds of different answers as to how life should be balanced.
Khayree Pender speaks on the importance of creating balance in life in a YouTube video called: “
Life Balance: Priorities and Management” by The Man in the Mirror. Here are a few key points:
The Man Who Didn't Wash the Dishes
The Man Who Didn't Wash the Dishes is a story about a man who was too tired to wash the dishes each night. He had a routine. Eat, work, eat, sleep. He never put aside time. He started eating out of things like flower pots instead.
One day, he realized what a mess it had become. It started raining and he went outside to have the rain wash the dishes for him.
It took something huge for him to finally realize there was a problem in his day-to-day life. This book serves as a reminder that there will be times that you have to put aside other things in order for the main problem to get better.
Don't let long-term goals overrule your daily goals.
He states that you have to make it a priority to study the Bible Monday-Friday instead of just a one day every week thing. In Kahyree’s own life, he expresses that he feels out of whack when he doesn't make the time to do so.
Line up what is really important in life. Ask yourself, what have I been neglecting in my life that needs more attention?
S.A.P (Specific Action Plan)
Sap is sticky, as should be your specific action plan. Think of the things that you can do at this moment.
At this point, priority and management align. You have to have a hard stop. This means that even though you may love to do something, you will have to put those things aside to complete something more important first.
Adjustment & Activate
It will be hard, as you may be pulled in two different directions, but you have to have discipline for yourself. Others can
benefit from a better you. Khayree explains that it is like a seesaw, you can both have balance and fun.
In all, the big idea is that living by the priorities you set will empower you to manage the pressures that will otherwise manage you. Prioritize getting your life in line for not just yourself, but for the better of others.
Put God first, family second, and yourself last. Putting yourself last doesn't mean not taking care of yourself, in fact putting other things first will benefit you more. Stop seeking the God you want versus the God who is.
Christian Priorities for Young People
Mark Gideon Agayo writes an article for teenagers and how to prioritize God in an everyday lifestyle. He makes his message clear: God should be our first priority.
Mark makes the point that above all else, building a relationship with God, developing godly, righteous character, and seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. This means that we must read His word often. In doubt, we should follow after Jesus Christ, who was perfect. He was consistent, made good choices, and followed His commandments no matter what.
Teen Perspective: Balancing School, Sports and Jesus
Erin shares her very
real experiences as a Christian teenager. She makes great points about time, and even shares little things to do throughout the day to live like Jesus.
The first thing she does is start every day with a Bible verse. She meditates on it and reflects on how she can apply it on her day ahead. She also makes it a goal to do
random acts of kindness throughout the day; like smiling at people down the hallway or talking to someone new.
She claims at the end of the article that, if asked, she doesn't balance school, sports, and Jesus. But, she makes the point that God gives her grace. He makes all things possible, including the mess that teenage years can be.
So, trying as hard as you can to balance things is all you can really do. Focus your eyes on Him, and you're doing everything right.
The Safest Space
From all of my own self reflecting I have done while writing this article, I have also had the chance to skim through my Bible. It truly is a safe space when I need advice, which is usually about school.
One piece of advice I've learned is that He is the one who provides for our every need. He is the ultimate source of comfort, guidance, and protection. We can see Him working in our everyday lives.
Also, the posture in which we wait determines how long we’ll be waiting for. Patience is important, as is getting priorities done.
There are many factors that go into the balance of life. In my personal life, bringing the Bible in has created a sense of harmony.