Attending college is one of the biggest investments you can make in your lifetime, but like any big investment, it takes quite a bit of money upfront. While scholarships and grants can help to cover the cost, students oftentimes require student loans to pay tuition bills. However, before you begin your student loan applications, you should proceed with caution.
Student loan applications require a number of sensitive answers, like your address, social security number, birth date, passwords, etc. With that in mind, you need to be on your guard when applying in order to prevent identity theft.
College campuses and towns aren’t exempt from identity theft. Students need to be just as careful in their college library as they need to be in a crowded coffee shop. Student identity theft can occur when you use unsecure public Wi-Fi networks, have an identify thief looking over your shoulder or leave personal documents out in your dorm room or in a public space.
Also, avoid using public Wi-Fi when applying for student loans, unless you are logged into a virtual private network (VPN). Hackers can steal your financial information just by sitting near you. They can also get their hands on your personal information just by looking over your shoulder.
The best way to protect yourself is to stay informed and aware of the possibility of identity theft. Periodically check your credit score for fraudulent activity, like accounts or collection notices that you don’t recognize. Monitor all of your accounts frequently and act quickly by contacting the right parties when you see activity that is not made by you. When it comes time to apply for financial aid, ask your school’s financial aid office for their preferred lender list, which are banks and lenders that are trusted by the university. Keep everything secure, from your account documents to your Internet connection. By playing it safe, you’ll be playing it smart – and you won’t have to worry about becoming a victim of identity theft.
Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft on Student Loan Applications

Keep yourself safe with this expert advice.