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Fastweb has dedicated over 25 years to providing students access to scholarships to help them pursue their college objectives.


Active scholarships with more added daily


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Worth of scholarships in our database

How Fastweb Works

Create Your Profile

Create Your Profile.

Use your strengths, skills & background to create a profile in less than a minute. Your unique profile will be used to gather the scholarships you should be applying for!

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New Scholarship Matches

See Your Scholarship Matches.

Merit based, high school or college student, weird scholarships, minority, by state, grade level, featured scholarships and more...our massive database covers all types scholarships. Easily find the scholarships that match your profile.

Login daily to see your matches. From this list you’ll know what scholarships you should apply for first.

Apply to win scholarships

Apply. Get Money For College!

Fastweb’s database algorithm is designed to help you find the right scholarships to apply for because your qualities make you an ideal scholarship candidate; they fit you.

Increase your chances of winning by applying early and often!

Sample our Scholarships

Check out these frequently updated scholarship offers most students qualify for.

Let your scholarship search begin.

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