Ultimate Play! Pokémon fans have an opportunity to see their passion and skills pay off…literally. Play! Pokémon events, which take place all over the country, may offer contestants a chance to win a scholarship in addition to first place bragging rights.
The Play! Pokémon Scholarship Program is open to students who are the top finishers in Play! Pokémon Events. You must be a full-time high school student or a full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate student at a qualified college or university to be considered for this award.
• A full-time primary or secondary school student.
• A full-time or part-time undergraduate or graduate student at a qualified college or university. A qualified college or university is an institution that has received accreditation from the government or third-party. This oftentimes encompasses primary, secondary, colleges, universities, community colleges, graduate schools, and some vocational, technical, or trade schools.
Scholarship funds will be distributed in cash but must pay for the following expenses:
• Tuition and fees
• Books, supplies, or equipment needed for course instruction
Before a student can accept their scholarship award, they and their parent/guardian must consent to using the funds within the scholarship program’s prerequisites.
Apply for the Play! Pokémon Scholarship Program
Gotta catch ‘em all to pay for college.

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