TMCF and Sour Patch Kids Mischief for Change Scholarship
Thurgood Marshall College Fund
The TMCF and Sour Patch Kids Mischief for Change Scholarship is open to Black/African-American students who are full-time undergraduate freshman, sophomores, juniors or seniors at TMCF member-schools. You must have a minimum GPA of 3.0, demonstrate financial need and be a U.S. Citizen in order to be considered for this award. You must submit a video of no more than two minutes that answers the following statement: Mischief can be an incredible catalyst for social change. It often diffuses tension, challenges perceptions, and sparks meaningful dialogue. Tell us about a time you got into some mischief for change, or a mischievous idea you have to move society forward?
Visit the provider's website to get more information and apply:
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